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We Thank You For Your Support!
Here at the Irondequoit Community Orchestra, we truly enjoy working hard to bring the world of classical music to our community. However, these efforts wouldn't be possible without the generous donations from our supporters. Here is a list of those who have donated to ICO as we continue to grow. We are wholeheartedly grateful for your support!
2023 Donors
Alan Lowne
Barbara Lang
Coleen McLean
David Weiss
Deb Hall
Denee Green
Etta Eskridge
Jeannie Guerrero
Kaia Megiel
Kate Wagner
Kathy Thomas
Lauren Spitaliere
Luda Weiss
Mary Lazzar-Whyte
Michele Bello
Mona Seghatoleslami
Pamela Tabell-Wagner
Paul Ness
Rosemary Shojaie
Sam Myers
Sierra Bielby
Sue Rowley
Theresa Wadera
Tim Thomas
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